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Archives for April 2024

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City Kids Camp and Dessert Auction

Counting Backwards from 20 to Blast Off! (1)

Summer is just around the corner which means City Kids Camp is on its way too, and with that, City Kids Dessert Auction! This year, camp will be held July 17th, 18th and 19th, and will be for kids just going into 1st grade through kids leaving 5th grade. The Dessert Auction will be held Sunday May 19th after the third service. You will have an opportunity to win sum yum...

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Fresh Start

Fresh Start (1920 × 1500 px)-3

Salvation happens in an instant, but following Jesus is a life long process.Fresh Startis the perfect class for anyone wanting to grow in their relationship with God. Every Sunday, we gather todiscuss the foundational truths of the Bible and help equip you to deepen your walk with Christ as you live it out. Our next round ofFresh Start ClassesbeginSunday, April 14th at 11...

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