We invite you to become a part of what God is doing through His people at Harbor City City by taking our EQUIP Classes. These classes are offered each month at the church, so you can take them at your pace.
Ever wonder if there is more to this church thing? Well, there is!
Join our equip classes and discover your God-given purpose and gifts, and how to unleash them to serve others and Jesus more fully.
Equip 101
First Sunday of every month
A basic introduction to the ministry and beliefs of Harbor City Church, and our core values.
Equip 201
Second Sunday of every month
Discover more about your personality, gifts, and how God has shaped you to be used in everyday life and in the local church.
Equip 301
Third Sunday of every month
Connect it all together and learn more about how you can serve and impact others around you.
Equip classes take place Sundays at 10 am, During our second service.