Join us sundays at 8:30, 10, or 11:30AM

December is HERE!

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December is HERE - Check out what's happening!

Hey church family!

December is here and we get to celebrate the best gift our world could have ever received, JESUS!

We look forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior with you all and hope you can join us this month (and invite family and friends) to our services as shown in the graphic above.

Watch this video for some important info and updates regarding December services!

If you would like to register yourself and your family for our December 13th services please click on the times below for the service you would like to attend.
9 AM Service - Click HERE
11 AM Service - Click HERE
Children's Ministry available for ages 0-5
*Please note: Registration is appreciated, but not mandatory for you to join us for our services. It's a helpful tool for us to know how many people to expect.*

Christmas Food Baskets
We know how tight finances can be, especially around the holidays. If you are in need of a Christmas meal for your family please sign up HERE.

Thank you church family for your generosity! Not only are we able to provide meals during Thanksgiving and Christmas to families in need, but we are also able to bless people who have lost their homes and lost loved ones because of your giving to our benevolence fund! We also have adopted out all 34 grandparents this Christmas season. Hoorayyyy! So again, thank you for being the church to those who need it. :)