Join us sundays at 8:30, 10, or 11:30AM

Women’s Brunch


LADIES! Join us Saturday, October 5th @ 9:30 AM for our next Pursuit Women’s Brunch! There will be worship, rich discussion with other women around your table and brunch, of course!
Pastor Lois Cotton will be our speaker! 
Due to our large turnout for these events you MUST PRE-REGISTER especially if you are bringing kids!!
COST: $10 per person. The cost includes brunch and childcare! WOW, what a deal right?!
Brunch cost does not include a full breakfast for your children, they will get a small breakfast snack, so either feed them ahead of time or bring them something you know they would like especially if they have allergies.
Morning of cost: $15 (depending on capacity) again if you are bringing kids PLEASE pre-register!
Invite your gal friends and be sure to pre-register, as we will most likely reach capacity. You don't want to miss this!
Click Find Tickets to RSVP and secure your seats today. We hope you can join us!