Join us sundays at 8:30, 10, or 11:30AM



Sign up meeting is 1/23 after 2nd service in the Community Room.

The African Nations are some of the poorest countries in the world. On these trips we will focus on street ministry, evangelism, VBS, water well construction and more. The water wells we will help build is a strategic plant that has the potential to win 1000's for Jesus. We will build and serve in any way we can to help set up the new space for success. We will also minister to the children in the surrounding area through VBS programs. Our team will also have the opportunity to preach the Gospel and minister to those in desperate need of love, healing, encouragement and the hope only found in Jesus Christ.



When: June 13-27 (Trip dates are subject to change by a day or two depending on availability of flights)

Where: Uganda

What: -Street evangelism, children’s ministry, and water wells

Who: If you are willing, you are welcome: no experience needed! Construction helpers, Musicians, Preachers, Kids' ministry workers, Teens


Cost per person:

Cost per person: Approx. $3800

$1800 nonrefundable deposit

       - $900 due January 23rd at sign up meeting

       - $900 due February 12th

$700 by April 13th, 2022

$700 by May 13th, 2022

$600 by June 10th, 2022

Requirements: Not included in price

Yellow Fever Vaccine $250 USD

Uganda Tourist Visa $50 USD


If you have further Questions contact Mindy Houtz at 360.591.6896 or email

[email protected]